It is with deep regret that we have to announce that Phoenix has closed as a VTC on Monday 12th
September 2022 at 8:00PM BST.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all current and former staff and members for their
unwavering commitment to Phoenix during our existence, the past success of Phoenix wouldn’t have
been possible without you all.
Ultimately, our intentions in running this VTC were to create a fun experience for the community,
provided a high quality atmosphere and most of all, was enjoyable for all of those involved. That
includes all the staff members who have spent countless hours, often unseen and behind the scenes.
our launch in 2020, we have had some incredible achievements and moments within Phoenix. From being
verified on TruckersMP in less than a year, to hosting some of the most professional events found on
TruckersMP, it’s been a fantastic journey.
However, all good things must come to an end, and it is now that we feel this is most appropriate.
Whilst this may be the end of Phoenix, all of us in the management team are still very much
passionate about the TruckersMP community and VTCs in general. We’ll still all be around, just
focussing on other things from now on.
Thanks for all the happy memories